Block Help: Moving Blocks

Moving & Resizing Blocks

While moving or resizing blocks, it's good to know that there is a grid in which the block will snap into. It is 4 columns wide with accompanying rows. As you move your block, other blocks will also move unless you lock them by clicking the lock icon, as seen in the image below. 

Locking blocks TIP: It's best only to lock blocks you need locked, and do it from the top of the page down. If you have a locked block hanging out at the bottom of the page, it can cause issues while moving and resizing other blocks.

To resize a block:

Resizing a block on SchoolBlocks is just like resizing a window on your computer desktop. Hover your mouse over the block and when you hit the left bottom corner, you will see the mouse cursor change to an arrow pointing to the edge. Resize as needed but keep in mind, when you let go, it will snap into the grid. You can also do the same from the bottom edge of the block and the right side edge of the block.

To move a block on the grid:

Simply hover over the block and click on the compass icon, as seen below:

Then drag the block where you want it on the Grid.

To move a block to another page:

Click on the pencil icon (as seen above) at the top right of the block to open the block dashboard.

Click "Display Settings"

There are two options in this dashboard. You can select the dropdown to "Place this block on the following homepages". This will display the same block on the current homepage as well as the selected homepages. Keep in mind this block can only be edited from the original page it came from. If the block is deleted from the original page, it deletes it across all the selected sites as well.

The other option is to move the block entirely. Under "Move this block to a new location" you will see a search bar appear, type the name of the page you would like to move it to.

Once you have found the page, click "Save Settings" and it will move the block to that page.

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