Block Help: Deleted & Lost Blocks

If you have been editing a page and wish to retrieve a deleted block, the Flux Capacitor enables you to "travel back in time" to retrieve your lost items. When enabled, this tool will show you all edits made since the creation of the page. 

Note: The Flux Capacitor does not have the ability to retrieve top navigation edits or deleted content from blocks. 

To use the Flux Capacitor, locate the floating ‘admin’ buttons on the left-hand side of the page; the third button is the Flux Capacitor. 

Clicking the Flux Capacitor button will prompt a timeline to pop up at the top of the page. Each dot in the timeline represents a point in time. Keep in mind, the dot on the far right is the most recent version of the page displayed. Select the corresponding point in time that displays the version of the page you wish to retrieve, then click the "Restore to this Grid" button to complete the change. Note: restoring a point in time to the grid will change the whole page content to the version selected, not just a single block. 

If you are having a hard time with the Flux Capacitor and need further assistance, please contact us via email or phone call. For immediate assistance, get onto the online chat feature. 

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