Block Help: Adding Photos & Slideshows

            Steps to build an image slider:

            You can use the Message Block to create a slideshow. Please refer to this document for image dimensions for specific block sizes. For Message Block sliders, your images must be under 1MB.

          • Create a message block from under the "+" sign
          • Upload your image by clicking on the button. It must be under 1MB
          • Add Alt text to see the image in the preview box to the right. Alt text is required for all images. It is what a site reader will read to a disabled person while viewing the site with different screen reader tools. It will let them know what they are looking at or what the block is pointing to if the URL field is used.

        • Once you have entered "Alt Text", a preview of the picture should appear on the right hand side of the window. 
        • To add more pictures, simply click on the button "Add Additional Message". This will expand the window and create more spaces to add pictures or other messages. Follow the steps again to display more pictures in the same block, and display them in a slideshow. 

          Keep in Mind:

          The message block can be used to display messages, as well as any URL link. The space above the Upload Image option will ask for a title and message, but this is not required when adding a picture.

          If you choose to title the message block, that title will display above the picture in a heading format. 

          If you would like to display a message with the picture, remember that the message can be displayed on top of or underneath the picture. There is a check box that you can toggle to change from one to the other. The check box only becomes available if you have a message and picture in the window. The check box will show up between the "Alt Text" option and the "Add Additional Message" option. 

          There are some requirements for pictures on the School Blocks Platform. The main requirement is that all images must be under 1MB.      

          When adding multiple pictures to the same message block, remember that there is a 5 second timer for each slide. Users can "Pause" the slideshow if they wish to inspect a picture further. 

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